
The method of traditional translation of classical Chinese into Japanese is based on RECURSION.

( )is which I call KAKKO.
If〔 〕has one or more than two ( )in it then I call it KAKKO.
If[ ]has one or more than two 〔 〕in it then I call it KAKKO.
If{ }has one or more than two [ ]in it then I call it KAKKO.
If〈 〉has one or more than two { }in it then I call it KAKKO.
By(01), therefore
①  ( ) is KAKKO.
② 〔( )〕is KAKKO.
By(01)(02), therefore
③ 〔 ①( )〕that is
③ 〔( )( )〕has to be KAKKO.
② 〔( ③ )( )〕that is
④ {[〔( )( )〕]( )}is KAKKO.
② 〔( ③ )( )〕that is
④ {[〔( )( )〕]( )}is KAKKO.
⑤ {[〔( )( )〕① ]①( )}that is
⑤ {[〔( )( )〕( )]( )( )}is KAKKO.
⑥ which is removed tow ①s from ④ is KAKKO,too.
⑥  {[〔( )〕( )]} is KAKKO.
⑦ 〈{[〔( )〕( )]}〉is KAKKO.
①     ( )
②    〔( )〕
③    〔( )( )〕
④  {[〔( )( )〕]( )}
⑤  {[〔( )( )〕( )]( )( )}
⑥  {[〔( )〕( )]}
⑦ 〈{[〔( )〕( )]}〉
are all KAKKO.
⑧ 〈{[〔( )( )〕( )]( )( )}〔( )( )〕{[〔( )〕( )]}〉
⑨ 〈{[〔( )( )〕( )]( )( )}〔( )( )〕{[〔( )〕〔( )( )〕( )]〔( )〕}〔( )( )〕( )〉
are also KAKKO.
By(09)(10), therefore
The number of KAKKO may be as many as the number of natural numbers.

非加算集合(non-countable set)。
Anyway, by(08), therefore
⑤ 使{籍誠不[以〔畜(妻子)憂(飢寒)〕乱(心)]有(財銭)以済(医薬)}。
⑦ 我非〈必不{常求[以〔解(中国語)法〕解(漢文)]}者〉也。
are KAKKO.
By the way
Such properties like Russian nesting dolls are called recursion in computer science, linguistics, psychology, philosophy and so on. At the moment, this issue has become a fierce controversy that involves linguistics, language philosophy, anthropology, and even psychology in discussing the importance of Pedahan grammar in understanding humans and languages ing.(Daniel L. Everett, Pedahan, Culture and the worldview that exceeds "language instinct", p. 317):Google Translation.
By(12)(13), therefore
⑤ 使{籍誠不[以〔畜(妻子)憂(飢寒)〕乱(心)]有(財銭)以済(医薬)}。has a nested structure, that is to say,
⑤ 使{籍誠不[以〔畜(妻子)憂(飢寒)〕乱(心)]有(財銭)以済(医薬)}。is a kind of RECURSION.
⑦ 我非〈必不{常求[以〔解(中国語)法〕解(漢文)]}者〉也。has a nested structure, that is to say,
⑦ 我非〈必不{常求[以〔解(中国語)法〕解(漢文)]}者〉也。is a kind of RECURSION.
⑤ 使{籍誠不[以〔畜(妻子)憂(飢寒)〕乱(心)]有(財銭)以済(医薬)}。
⑤ 使{ }⇒{ }使
⑤ 不[ ]⇒[ ]不
⑤ 以〔 〕⇒〔 〕以
⑤ 畜( )⇒( )畜
⑤ 憂( )⇒( )憂
⑤ 乱( )⇒( )乱
⑤ 有( )⇒( )有
⑤ 済( )⇒( )済
⑤ 使{籍誠不[以〔畜(妻子)憂(飢寒)〕乱(心)]有(財銭)以済(医薬)}⇒
⑤ {籍誠[〔(妻子)畜(飢寒)憂〕以(心)乱]不(財銭)有以(医薬)済}使=
⑤ {籍誠をして[〔(妻子を)畜ひ(飢寒を)憂ふるを〕以て(心を)乱さ]不(財銭)有りて以て(医薬を)済さ}使む。
といふ、「漢文訓読(traditional translation of classical Chinese into Japanese)」が、成立する(is to be made)

⑦ 我非〈必不{常求[以〔解(中国語)法〕解(漢文)]}者〉也。
⑦ 非〈 〉⇒〈 〉非
⑦ 不{ }⇒{ }不
⑦ 求[ ]⇒[ ]求
⑦ 以〔 〕⇒〔 〕以
⑦ 解( )⇒( )解
⑦ 解( )⇒( )解
⑦ 我非〈必不{常求[以〔解(中国語)法〕解(漢文)]}者〉也⇒
⑦ 我〈必{常[〔(中国語)解法〕以(漢文)解]求}不者〉非也=
⑦ 我は〈必ずしも{常には[〔(中国語を)解する法を〕以て(漢文を)解せんことを]求め}不る者に〉非ざるなり。
といふ、「漢文訓読(traditional translation of classical Chinese into Japanese)」が、成立する(is to be made)

By(13)~(17), therefore
Without resursions like
⑤ 使{籍誠不[以〔畜(妻子)憂(飢寒)〕乱(心)]有(財銭)以済(医薬)}。
⑦ 我非〈必不{常求[以〔解(中国語)法〕解(漢文)]}者〉也。
We can not get such translations like
⑤ {籍誠をして[〔(妻子を)畜ひ(飢寒を)憂ふるを〕以て(心を)乱さ]不(財銭)有りて以て(医薬を)済さ〕}使む。
⑦ 我は〈必ずしも{常には[〔(中国語を)解する法を〕以て(漢文を)解せんことを]求め}不る者に〉非ざるなり。
⑤ 使〔籍済(医薬)〕。is shorter than
⑤ 使{籍誠不[以〔畜(妻子)憂(飢寒)〕乱(心)]有(財銭)以済(医薬)}。
⑦ 我非〈必不{常求[以〔解(中国語)法〕解(漢文)]}者〉也。is longer than
⑦ 我非(中国人)。
Mark Hauser, Norm Chomsky 4, Tecumse Fitch in "Science" magazine, announcing that recursion is an element unique to the human language, recursion to bear heavy responsibility . Three people argue that since recursion is the key to language affluence and grammatical skill on recursion forms, minutes are unlimitedly long and countless sentences can be made. (Daniel L. Everett, Pedahan, culture and the world view exceeding "language instinct", p. 317):Google Translation.

平成29年07月17日、毛利太(July 17, Heisei 17, Mouri Futoshi)。

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